March 2024 Workshop led by Sheila Mortlock in Penicuik

Twelve members of EDGE Textile Artists Scotland took part in a two-day weekend workshop ‘Printed Layers for Stitch’.

The workshop description included the following:

‘This workshop will demonstrate how simple print techniques, easily done at home without the need for expensive equipment, can help you produce unique pieces. Each piece can be used as a background for stitch or can be cut up to add areas of interest and pattern to an ongoing piece. During the first day we will concentrate on creating the painted surface and on the second day we will work with fabric, sheers and other pieces, to collage on to the printed surface followed by the addition of stitch’.

Participants were encouraged to bring Gelli plates with them and several did so. In many cases these had been purchased some time ago, and had not been used, so the workshop was a great opportunity to get started with them. We used acrylic paints with fabric medium and various print blocks, stencils and Thermofax plates. Saturday was a messy day when we experimented with applying layers of paint to fabric. By Sunday many of us were ready to start stitching, sometimes using appliquéd layers of sheers and other fabrics. Some of us, encouraged by Sheila, cut up the work we’d done on Saturday (as Sheila says, you can always stitch the bits back together again if you regret cutting them up!).

This was an excellent and enjoyable two days. Many thanks to Sheila and to Rose Campbell and Alison King who organised the workshop.