Interested in joining edge?

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Being part of Edge is exactly what you make of it and, if you wish, it can become a wonderful resource for you and your creative energy.

Edge is a group of members of different ages, from different backgrounds and who live in different locations throughout Scotland, but who are connected by a love of textile art and its continuous development.

Keeping aspirational as well as inspirational is at the core of the Edge philosophy and that’s achieved by following the constitutional premise that we are bound to a selection process both to join the group and to exhibit work.

There are three main strands to Edge – training, continuous development and involvement.

Training comes by completing a college course or following a recognised course of workshops before applying to join. There are some really good colleges (as well as art college) that run HND level courses, venues like Off The Rails, Ladybank, and groups like the Textile Study Group who run summer workshops.

On applying, it should be accepted that that we actively encourage an interest in pursuing your creativity. As so often happens, life and its commitments can overwhelm our desire to produce enough new and cutting edge work to have a solo exhibition but not our desire to keep that creativity alive. Being part of a group like Edge does exactly that.

Benefits? You become part of a diverse group of artists with a shared interest. You have the opportunity to submit work for the selection process of each exhibition. You can take part in workshops and weekend courses and you can also benefit from mentoring sessions. By stewarding at exhibition, linking with buddy groups, attending meetings and committee involvement you can enjoy old and new friendships.

Involvement is highly recommended and essential for the group to survive as healthy and productive. Reviewing, refreshing and producing your work is what keeps both you and the group exciting and inspirational.

If you are interested, please download and complete an application form. Contact our membership secretary at with any queries.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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