Look out for an update of web pages letter
edge AGM on 29th October at Stirling Smith Art Gallery, 40 Albert Place, FK8 2RQ 1.30 for 2.00 The Speaker is Claire Heminsley – “Making Connections‘
From the Hearth is an online beginners photography course for artists, makers and creatives of all kinds, who want to take photographs that fully encapsulate the magic of what they themselves are creating and setting out into the world.
It covers the essential elements of photography, teaching you how to use your camera in manual mode, to use light and composition creatively, as well as guidance on how to take the specific images you need for your business. Yet it also delves deeper into how we can all create and interact with our work, encouraging us to share a part of ourselves through our photography.
From the Hearth is also a source of warmth, inspiration and community. If you’d like to dust down your camera and make a leap forward with your photography.
Usual Fife Contemporary News Flash https://mailchi.mp/147f0ed916cf/fife-contemporarys-news-opportunities-for-artists-no-600?e=aefeacdf30
Visual Artist and Craft Maker Awards (VACMA)
Creative Scotland
Deadline: 07 February 2023 at 17:00
The Visual Artist and Craft Maker Awards (VACMA) are a programme of small grants schemes designed to support Scotland-based visual artists and craft makers in their creative development.
The Visual Artist and Craft Makers Awards (VACMA) are a programme of small grants schemes delivered with a range of local authorities and art agencies across Scotland to support Scotland-based visual artists and craft makers in their creative development.
Established by Creative Scotland, these partnerships give support at a local level and work with local panels to offer funds to support practitioners at all stages of their career who have demonstrated a commitment to their work and in developing their practice through new work, new skills or new opportunities.
The VACMA bursaries can support a wide range of activity, we are not being prescriptive about how the funding can be used provided it supports your creative development. For example, this could be:
• Researching a new body of work
• Experimenting with new materials
• Skills development and courses
• Artistic mentoring
• Masterclasses
• Residencies
• Making new work for an exhibition
The scheme offers two levels of fixed bursaries, applicants should apply for the one that best suits their situation.
Bursaries of £750 – for applicants that have been practicing for over 5 years, regardless of whether they have gone through formal education or not.
Early-career bursaries of £500 – for applicants that have less than 5 years’ experience outside of education/training, graduated in 2017 or later, or that have not studied art formally but have been practising as an artist for up to 5 years.
There are two deadlines in 2022/23:
• Autumn: 5pm, Tuesday 25 October 2022
• Winter: 5pm, Tuesday 7 February 2023
In 2022/23 we are working with partners to deliver the scheme in 25 local authorities across Scotland. Applicants should apply to their local scheme using the application form for that area.
Please note that not all partners run both deadlines, some will only have one deadline a year. We’d encourage you to check with your local scheme before applying.
For full details, visit:
Location: All Scotland
For further information, please contact enquiries@nullcreativescotland.com (enquiries@nullcreativescotland.com), or visit https://www.creativescotland.com/VACMA
The deadline is Tuesday 07 February 2023 at 17:00.
New York Textile Month – bit late with this one, but some interesting images and one or two items still to come https://www.textilemonth.nyc/calendar-2022-nytm/textiles-that-heal-conference-on-textile
Check out the Scottish Gallery News
Take a look at SCAN Scottish Contemporary Art Network – you can sign up to their newsletter https://sca-net.org