Don’t forget the opening of 77º North at the Harbour Gallery Kirkcudbright
3rd April 10.00 am to Saturday 22nd April.
Check out what’s on at the Dovecot
Plan your next few weeks of culture and creativity at Dovecot Studios, with our programme of talks, workshops and exhibitions.
Check out our new look online shop, grab yourself something from the Morris & Co. pop-up shop and get your last minute Mother’s Day gifts here. Plus celebrate the launch of The Art of Wallpaper book.
Textile Research Centre, Leiden
April 2022
Today, 29 March, we received the more than 1200 textiles that were donated to the TRC by David and Bonnie Smith in Arizona, USA, with the help of the Tracing Patterns Foundation in Berkeley. Most of the garments and other pieces of cloth originate from Central and Southeastern Europe. Volunteers, interns and other staff of the TRC will be very busy the next few months to process the pieces, tagging, describing, photographing, deep-freezing, and finally storing.
But that is only the beginning: we will be busy with showing the textiles to the public at exhibitions, at workshops and lectures, but also online via digital exhibitions, blogs and other means. They will also be a welcome source for the upcoming volume of the Bloomsbury World Encyclopedia of Embroidery, specially dedicated to Central and Eastern Europe and edited within the context of the TRC.

We catalogued and photographed another collection that was recently donated to the TRC by the Zant family in Amsterdam, namely a large group of well-documented textiles from Indonesia. If you type in: ‘Zant’ in the TRC Collection catalogue you will find all the objects.
And finally, we received a charuga, a hand embroidered garment that is characteristic for the Christian community in northern Iraq. A separate blog on this garment was published on 29 March (see below).
- 30 March: Tuesday 29th March: A memorable day for the TRC
- 29 March: A charuga from northern Iraq has arrvied at the TRC!
- 27 March: About appliqués in Egypt and Citizen Culture in Leiden
- 20 March: From Arizona to Lebanon: Another week at the TRC in Leiden
- 9 March: Gloves from communist Romania
- 7 March: Piet Mondriaan 150 years
- 3 March: A traditional Japanese obi with ancient patterns from the Andes in South America
- 2 March: The intensity of the TRC Intensive Textile Course .
Friday 1 April: Workshop Appliqué tulips
Date: Friday, 1 April 2022. Time: 10.00 – 13.00 pm. Location: TRC Leiden, Hogewoerd 164, 2351 HW Leiden, The Netherlands. Instructor: Beverley Bennett. Language: English. Costs: 35 euros (to be paid at the start of the workshop). Equipment / coffee / tea are provided. Pre-registration is appreciated.
4-8 April: TRC Intensive Textile Course
The next TRC Intensive Textile Course will be held from 4 to 8 April. Other editions in 2022 are from 23 to 27 May, from 22 to 26 August, from 10 to 14 October, and from 21 to 25 November.
Wednesday 13 April: Workshop (Pre-) historic sewing stitches
Date: Wednesday, 13 April 2022. Time: 10.00 – 13.00 pm. Location: TRC Leiden, Hogewoerd 164, 2351 HW Leiden, The Netherlands. Instructor: Dorothee Olthof. Language: Dutch. Costs: 35 euros (to be paid at the start of the workshop). Equipment / coffee / tea are provided. Pre-registration is appreciated.
Tuesday 19 April: Study day Quilts and quilting
Date: Tuesday 19 April 2022. Time: 10.00 – 16.00. Location: TRC Leiden, Hogewoerd 164, 2351 HW Leiden, The Netherlands. Lecturer: Beverley Bennett. Language: English. Fees: 60 euro. Materials/coffee/tea provided. Pre-registration is appreciated..
Study day 23 April: Ancient Egyptian textiles and dress
Date: Saturday 23 April 2022. Time: 10.oo – 16.00. Location: TRC Leiden, Hogewoerd 164, 2351 HW Leiden, The Netherlands. Lecturer: Gillian Vogelsang. Language: Dutch and English. Fees: 60 euro. Materials/coffee/tea provided. Pre-registration is appreciated..
Sunday afternoon meeting, 24 April: Welcoming the new collections for the TRC
The TRC recently received two large donations of textiles and clothing from Central Europe (mainly from different ethnic groups in Albania, Hungary and Romania), and many other places around the world. They were collected by experts in Paris and Arizona, and were recently transferred to the TRC.
Date: Sunday, April 24, 2022. Time: 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM. The programme starts at 1.30 pm, but visitors are welcome all afternoon. Location: TRC Leiden, Hogewoerd 164, 2351 HW Leiden. Languages: Dutch and English. Coffee/tea is provided. Pre-registration is appreciated.
Thursday, 28 April: First workshop of the second series of guipure bobbin lace making
From February 3 to June 9, the TRC organises two series of three workshops each for guipure lace making. The workshops are led by Gon Homburg, a recognized lace-making expert. The first of the second series is on 28 April. Participants are expected to master the basic principles of the guipure technique.
The other workshops are on 12 May and 9 June. All sessions take place on a Thursday, from 10 am to 1 pm. The costs are 35 euros per session, to be paid on the day itself. The language is Dutch. Material is provided. Pre-registration is appreciated..
Monday, 9 May: Special day about European regional dress
As part of the Leiden European City of Science 2022 programme, Monday 9 May has been declared ‘Europe day’. To celebrate this day, the TRC is organising a special programme on all kinds of European forms of regional dress. The detailed schedule for the day will be announced shortly.