Click below for Fife Contemporary

Exhibitions and Events



An exhibition slot has become available at the Gallery on the ground floor of the Dunbar Town House and Gallery.  It would be good to support an exhibition from an East Lothian artist.

The Arts Service can cover the cost of leaflets/posters/catalogues.

If you are interested in the possibility and can install a complete exhibition of your work around the following dates please provide a proposal as soon as possible.

Available dates –

Exhibition open – Friday 1st April to Saturday 14 May or

Friday 8 April to Saturday 15 May

Install late March or early April ready for opening on Friday 1st April or Friday 8 April.

Down on Sunday 15 May

Best Wishes


Lesley Smith

Team Manager Arts

East Lothian Council

The Brunton

Ladywell Way


EH21 6AF

Scottish Charity SCO22422

Fife Contemporary Newsletter – lots of interesting items for the Fifers among you. And stop press news for those living in East Lothian!