I’m delighted to invite you along to a wonderful new gallery space in Red Hill, Brisbane where my show Seeds.Paper.Ink will take place over the next two weeks … Sunday August 16th we open the doors from 9am till 1pm.
This show will be posted online so you needn’t miss out!
The Gallery downstairs is curated by artist Natasha Scott at Brisbane’s unique Culinary Arts Bookstore SCRUMPTIOUS READS which is ideal for an artist with a project on seeds.
And even more so since I’m very excited to be introducing an artwork series carried out with the The Crop Trust based in Bonn, Germany… this work hasn’t been shown before in an exhibition setting.
The artwork was commissioned for awards given in recognition of the Global Gaterkeepers of Crop Diversity at a 10 year celebration of the GLOBAL Seed Vault at Svalbard in the Arctic, Norway Feb 2018 … read here at the CROP TRUST website. Their ongoing mission is ‘to ensure the conservation and availability of crop diversity for food security worldwide’.
You will find further info about the next two weeks through the ONLINE links below.
Please Note: This Store and Gallery have adopted a series of safe practices for the COVID period … 20 people can be in the store at any one time so YOU MAY BOOK HERE to attend if you wish to be sure & its of course FREE to visit. NB: two doors up from the store is an early opening cafe which closes around midday most days. Great coffee!
Sophie Munns
Scrumptious Reads:
DEMO: Working with ink.
DEMO: Use of smart-phone camera in my work.
PS: More details soon on these events!
Location: Visit us at
92A Arthur Terrace,
Red Hill, Qld 4059
Call/text Sophie : 0430 599 344
Write : sophiemunns@nulliinet.net.au
Tuesday to Friday 9:30am to 3:00pm
Saturday 9:00am to 3:00pm
Sunday 9:00am to 1:00pm
Monday – Closed |