Textile Artist.orghttp://textileartist.org is putting on weekly community stitch challenges An interesting article in the Guardian…… https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2020/apr/17/the-forgotten-french-tapestry-with-lessons-for-our-apocalyptic-times Stay safe and keep in touch with each other.
One or two interesting items
Have a look at https://www.thewomensroomblog.com/2020/03/30/were-back/ And how about using up all those odd bits of wool you are bound to have lying about – especially if you are laid up at home with reasons other than Covid-19. Why not knit
Harbour Cottage Exhibition 6th April 2020
Some updates on our exhibition which started yesterday………! virtually of course Your exhibition is now up on the front page of the HCG website at http://www.harbourcottagegallery.org.uk/ If you want to link directly to the Edge page, the best address to