With all the exhibitions closed or postponed and everyone self isolating, we now have (possibly) more time to devote to our work.  I will be researching some ideas for the next blog, but in the meantime here are some colourful images that might inspire some work!






Exhibitions closed or postponed to 2021
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2 thoughts on “Exhibitions closed or postponed to 2021

  • March 19, 2020 at 11:28 am

    Love your dark humour, Maggie! But the virus is beautiful.
    Yes, am planning to be very creative, am actually quite excited by the opportunity. Just not thinking about distant family and our separation.
    Perhaps we should have an exhibition – What I did in Isolation – so we’re ready when, hopefully, things return to some kind of normality.
    Meanwhile, take care everyone.

  • March 19, 2020 at 12:45 pm

    Beautiful aren’t they….but deadly!

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