Welcome to February – January seemed to be so long and slow and not a lot happening.  I hope everyone is battened down against the storm and not washed away.  Anyway, February now seems to be racing along.  A note on the 77° North exhibition a piece was sold as the exhibition was being taken down.  Well done all who sold work and of course all exhibitors.

Don’t forget QUINES

Hand In – Monday 2 March at the Central Library,Meeting Room 1 12.30 – 2.30Central Library, George 1V Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1

Official opening 7th March 2-3pm with recitals by Gerda.

Not a lot of other news today – but on the Archie Brennan theme there is an exhibition on the balcony of Dovecot in Edinburgh

On the Looms: Archie Brennan Project

Inspired by the work and approach of pop artist and master weaver Archie Brennan, Dovecot weavers are creating two new tapestries designed by Apprentice Weaver Elaine Wilson and Weaver Ben Hymers. See these innovative tapestries in progress from our Tapestry Studio Viewing Balcony, and learn more about the project here.


plus Mid-Century Modern Early Bird Ticket Offer


To celebrate the opening of this exhibition, we are extending an Early Bird offer of 2 for 1 on general admission tickets valid for tickets in April, May and June 2020. Click the link below and enter code EARLYBIRDMODERN by 25 February to avail of this offer.*


After a long slow January
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