Welcome to February – January seemed to be so long and slow and not a lot happening. I hope everyone is battened down against the storm and not washed away. Anyway, February now seems to be racing along. A note on the 77° North exhibition a piece was sold as the exhibition was being taken down. Well done all who sold work and of course all exhibitors.
Don’t forget QUINES
Hand In – Monday 2 March at the Central Library,Meeting Room 1 12.30 – 2.30Central Library, George 1V Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1
Official opening 7th March 2-3pm with recitals by Gerda.
Not a lot of other news today – but on the Archie Brennan theme there is an exhibition on the balcony of Dovecot in Edinburgh
plus Mid-Century Modern Early Bird Ticket Offer
To celebrate the opening of this exhibition, we are extending an Early Bird offer of 2 for 1 on general admission tickets valid for tickets in April, May and June 2020. Click the link below and enter code EARLYBIRDMODERN by 25 February to avail of this offer.*