2020 will be an exciting year for edge.
International Women’s day will see edge exhibiting new work based on the poetry book by Gerda Stephenson “Quines”. Members are working on interpretations from her book and the exhibition will be held at the Main Library in Edinburgh.
77 degrees is moving to Kircudbright in April, the exhibition at Dundee Discovery Centre finishing on 16th January. New pieces will be included if there are any submitted.
We have been invited by Scottish Natural Heritage to take 77° North to the Lighthouse on the Isle of May this year for the Year of Coasts and Waters. They have seen our exhibition at Dundee and thought it would be ideal. It would run from mid May until end of September 2020.
This got a bit lost in the Christmas Post, but the exhibition is still running until 29th February. I think it has been put together by Lindy Richardson

I came across an interesting obituary for Archie Brennan who died on 31st October in the USA
Happy New Year
What an interesting article on Archie Brennan. Well done Maggie for finding Rebecca Mezoff and sharing.